Sunday, April 10, 2011

Parts Of Speech Final Assessment!


This is the project we did in google Doc slide show. It is not just mine, it's our ESL classmates. So this is the slide shows is about telling there are lots kind of noun. Every one did each 3 things that mrs. Raisdana gave us. First, I go to and go to 'Advanced Research' and go down find a box after 'Creative Comment'. Checked that box and find image. Click and check down. If it said 'Some Rights Are Protected' you click 'Action' up image and Click 'Show all sizes'. Click Medium size and downloaded. And post in the slide show. And I must put 'image by' and linked. I get the URL from where I get. Write about what kinds of noun at least 2.

This is the video about I learned.

Part 1: Present Tense: What I Do Everyday

Part 2: Past Tense: What I Did Last Sunday


I did a lot of work for this movie. I make a movie and record with my partner. While we are recording we had some mistake, so we have to make movie from begin. I have learned a lot of thing about adverbs while making this movie. The adverbs mean, the word describe the word verb, adjective, and the another verb. While I making this movie, it helped me to learn lots of things about adverbs. It makes me to find more detail about what is adverbs and what are the examples of adverbs. So I know almost perfect about adverb. I enjoyed this project. Because it was fun to making movie and recording, but I was disappointing about recording, because the turn going out so fast so  I have to speak fast but it was hard. I think I shared the work and responsibility well. Because we had finish our work as fast we can. The script was also finish well and fast. And I think I was good partner. We helped each other and I have done my work properly.

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